Thursday, October 9, 2014

Why Do We Blink So Frequently?

New research indicates that the brain enters a momentary state of wakeful rest when we blink, perhaps allowing us to focus better afterward

We all blink. A lot. The average person blinks some 15-20 times per minute—so frequently that our eyes are closed for roughly 10% of our waking hours overall.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

People With Blue Eyes Have A Higher Alcohol Tolerance

Eye color is a polygenetic, partially sex-linked trait, meaning that it is controlled by multiple genes, one of which is located on the X-chromosome. 

The color of the eyes is determined not by different pigments but by the number and size of melanin particles in the layers of the iris. More melanin makes the eyes appear darker, moving from blue to grey, green, hazel, brown, and black.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Why Do We Cry When We Are Cutting Onions?

When an onion is cut, the onion’s cells are sliced open. The gaseous substances released by the cells are made of sulphur compounds.

When this gas makes contact with the tears, it is changed into sulphuric acid, which irritates the eyes. The eyes produce more tears in an attempt to both dilute and wash away the irritant.

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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Home Remedies For Sore Eyes


Sore eyes can be a result of a number of things starting from allergies to infections. Even irritants and chemicals can cause this problem. Listed below are some of the causes of sore eyes

  • Bacterial infection
  • Viral infections
  • Fungal infections
  • Exposure to certain chemicals
  • Allergic reaction to pollen, dust, smoke, fumes, and dander
  • Reaction to contact lenses
  • Certain diseases
Of all of these, the most common cause for sore eyes is a viral infection.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Myth: Wearing glasses too much will make the eyes "dependent" on them.

Refractive errors (near-sightedness, far-sightedness, or astigmatism) change as kids get older. Many variables come into play, but most of this change is likely due to genetics and continues despite wearing glasses earlier or later or more or less. Wearing glasses does not make the eyes get worse.

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Thursday, March 6, 2014

5 Foods For Healthy Eyes

You've probably heard that carrots and other orange-colored fruits and vegetables promote eye health and protect vision, and it's true: Beta-carotene, a type of vitamin A that gives these foods their orange hue, helps the retina and other parts of the eye to function smoothly.

But eating your way to good eyesight isn't only about beta-carotene. Though their connection to vision isn't as well-known, several other vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy eyes. Make these five foods a staple of your diet to keep your peepers in tip-top shape.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Tips When Using The Computer

Here are some of the helpful tips to maintain good eye health especially when you spend a lot of time on your computer.

Staring at a computer screen can cause:

  • Eyestrain 
  • Blurry vision 
  • Difficulty focusing at a distance 
  • Dry eyes 
  • Headaches 
  • Neck, back, and shoulder pain
Protect your eye health by taking the following steps:

  • Make sure your glasses or contact lens prescription is up-to-date and adequate for computer use. 
  • Some people may need glasses to help with contrast, glare, and eye strain when using a computer. 
  • Position your computer so that your eyes are level with the top of the monitor. This allows you to look slightly down at the screen. 
  • Try to avoid glare on your computer from windows and lights. Use an anti-glare screen if needed. 
  • Choose a comfortable, supportive chair. Position it so that your feet are flat on the floor. 
  • If your eyes are dry, blink more. 
  • Every 20 minutes, rest your eyes by looking 20 feet away for 20 seconds. At least every two hours, get up and take a 15-minute break.

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