Sunday, March 16, 2014

Home Remedies For Sore Eyes


Sore eyes can be a result of a number of things starting from allergies to infections. Even irritants and chemicals can cause this problem. Listed below are some of the causes of sore eyes

  • Bacterial infection
  • Viral infections
  • Fungal infections
  • Exposure to certain chemicals
  • Allergic reaction to pollen, dust, smoke, fumes, and dander
  • Reaction to contact lenses
  • Certain diseases
Of all of these, the most common cause for sore eyes is a viral infection.

Home Remedies:
  • Extract juice from carrot and spinach. Combine 200ml of spinach juice with 300ml carrot juice. Mix well and drink frequently.
  • Using cucumber is one of the easiest and most effective treatment for sore eyes. Apply cucumber slices on your eyes for 30 minutes.
  • Try soaking chamomile or green tea bags in warm water. Wash your eyes with the liquid and placed the squeezed out bags in your eyes. This will provide you effective relief from redness and irritation.
  • Dilute some aloe vera extract to cold water and soak a piece of cotton cloth in it neatly. Place this soaked cloth over your eyes and gently clean them with the cloth.
  • Soak cotton balls in rose water and apply on your eyes for relief from irritation and swelling.
  • Parsley is another good option for curing sore eyes, when combined with carrot. Prepare a mixture of 200ml parsley juice with 300ml carrot juice. Consume regularly.
  • Coriander leaves. Get a few leaves of coriander and grind them until the leaves are processed enough to extract some juice out of them. Now pour this liquid in a dropper and put two drops of this herbal and 100% natural remedy in your infected eyes for at least two times in a day. This will help in dealing with the itchy and gritty feeling of the eyes.
  • Place peeled potato slice over your eyelids and rest for about 15 minutes. Thereafter, wash your eyelids. If required, repeat again.

I hope you find this post helpful.

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